Chemically and electrochemically generated materials for energy harvesting,...
The international community has recently realized that our environment cannot indefinitely bear our current way of living and development. Energy is now turning out to be the most critical problem for...
View ArticleSuperconducting materials and electrical power applications
High Temperature Superconductivity (HTS) is one of the key technologies of the 21st century, which will bring new breakthroughs in the fields of electric power technology, medicine, fusion energy,...
View ArticleBiomaterials and materials for drug delivery, therapy, diagnostics and sensing
Biomedical approaches for therapy are based on the delivery in the target place of drugs targeting a specific tissue or organ, or on the use of implants that substitute specific parts of the body, or...
View ArticleBottom-up strategies for assembling and preparation of functional molecular...
The research activities in this sub-line are aimed to prepare and study (multi)functional (nano)materials and devices obtained through the organization of molecular, both -organic and metallorganic-,...
View ArticleScattering and microscopy methodologies for advanced materials investigation
The scientific scope of this subline includes all those investigations using advanced experimental techniques that focus on the crystalline, magnetic and electronic structure, conductivity, tribology,...
View ArticleTheory, simulation and modelling of materials and properties at the nanoscale
A rational approach to the design of materials with controlled properties is made simpler by a theoretical approach which can trace a link between these properties and the structural aspects of the...
View ArticleNanostructured magnetic materials and functional oxides
The scientific scope of the sub-line includes preparation and characterization of functional materials with emphasis on oxides and on their magnetic response. Oxides, particularly transition-metal...
View ArticleSemiconductors and molecular materials with electronic, optoelectronic and...
The electronic and information industries are presently looking for novel materials with specific multifunctionalities, which employ inorganic as well as organic semiconductors and molecular...
View ArticleCompostos de bor fluorescents per a medicina
Autor: Dra. Rosario Núñez Abstract: Els carborans (compostos formats per àtoms de carboni i bor) presenten un ampli ventall d'aplicacions. A medicina, han mostrat gran interés a la teràpia contra el...
View ArticleTubos para transportar espines (Transportando espines por un tubo)
Autor: Luis E. Hueso, Jose M. Pruneda, Valeria Ferrari, Gavin Burnell, Jose P. Valdes-Herrera, Benjamin D. Simons, Peter B. Littlewood, Emilio Artacho, Albert Fert & Neil D. Mathur Abstract: El...
View ArticlePilas de combustible. Energía sin humos
Autor: Dr. Pedro Gómez Romero Abstract: Las pilas de combustible, alimentadas con hidrógeno o metanol, son una alternativa eficiente a los motores de combustión. El trabajo de I+D avanza a buen...
View ArticleEl boro, un elemento exótico. Su aplicación en medio ambiente, energía y salud
Autor: Dra. Mª Rosario Núñez Abstract: En el año 1910 se preparan los primeros hidruros de boro. Se descubre, entonces, que estos compuestos desprenden una gran cantidad de calor al arder y se...
View ArticleEl Microscopio de Efecto Túnel. Una herramienta para ver y manipular átomos y...
Autor: José Ignacio Pascual El Microscopio de Efecto Túnel. Una herramienta para ver y manipular átomos y moléculas
Autor: Dr. Santi Sala i Vergés Abstract: Les característiques de partícules sòlides, com són la seva mida, distribució de mides, forma, geometria superficial, grau de cristal•linitat, tendència...
View ArticleUtilización de la tecnología de fluidos supercríticos para la impregnación de...
Autor: Dra. Mª Alejandra Fanovich Abstract: Los medios tradicionales de administración de medicamentos proveen una concentración pulsátil de fármaco en el plasma sanguíneo, de forma que los niveles de...
View ArticleBaterías recargables: algunos aspectos básicos
Autor: Dra. Mª Rosa Palacín Abstract: Degut a la creixent demanda de potència elèctrica i major eficiència, el desenvolupament de dispositius eficaços d’emmagatzemament d’energia és un repte...
View ArticleExplorando la Frontera Cuántica de los Materiales: de Fullerenos a Biomoléculas
Autor: Prof. Pablo Ordejón fullerenes.pdf
View ArticleNuevos materiales en la sociedad del siglo XXI
Autor: Fernando Bartolomé, Juan J. de Damborenea, José L. G. Fierro, Albert Figueras, José González de la Campa y otros Abstract: Las personas nos vemos inmersas en un universo fabricado a...
View ArticleEnergía nanotecnológica
Autor: Xavier Obradors Abstract: La Nanociencia y la Nanotecnologia constituyen un nuevo paradigma en la generación de conocimiento en el cual las barreras tradicionales entre disciplinas...
View ArticleNanoscience and nanotechnology at the Institute of Materials Science of...
Prof. Xavier Obradors Berenguer Ha sortit publicat el volum 4(2) de l’any 2008 de la revista Contributions to Science Nanoscience and nanotechnology research in Catalonia”. En aquest volum surt...
View ArticleAvances recientes en el campo de los materiales para baterías de litio
Artículo de la Dra Rosa Palacín publicado en "Ingeniería Química", editorial Reed Business Information, en su número de Febrero 2010
View ArticleNanotecnología: un mundo un millón de veces más pequeño que un milímetro
LA RAZÓN, 4 Junio 2010
View ArticleiY SE HIZO LA LUZ!. .. LÁSER"
Mariano Campoy Quiles y Robert SewelCiencia Rias Baixas, 8 Imagínese un mundo sin CDs ni DVDs, donde los envases no tuvieran códigos de barra y las comunicaciones más rápidas fueran las telefónicas...
View ArticleEls nanotubs de carboni com a plantilles per al creixement dels cristalls més...
Gerard Tobías RossellRevista de la Societat Catalana de Química · 9 / 2010 · p. 33-44DOI: 10.2436/20.2003.01.16
View ArticleDispersions Superparamagnètiques: una visió de Física Estadística d’una...
Jordi S. Andreu, Juan Camacho, and Jordi Faraudo Revista de física > Volum 4 : núm. 9 : any 2012
View ArticleSupport Units and Centres of Excellence Severo Ochoa 2013
Information - Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona Researchers Profile (Researcher Id) Outputs of the ICMAB Researchers Patents (2007 - 2011) Publications - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 -...
View ArticleSupport Units and Centres of Excellence Severo Ochoa 2014
Information - Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona Publications 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
View ArticleNanocomposite membrane Mercury (II) Sensing Probe
Mercury pollution can occur as a result of a variety of natural and anthropogenic sources. Although mercury has been used since antiquity, earth’s mercury contamination has been widespread in the last...
View ArticleMicro- and Nano-structured materials obtained by Compressed Fluids (CF) Based...
The development of green processes for the straightforward preparation of micro- or nanostructured materials (micro or nanoparticles, vesicular systems, particulate composites, nanosuspensions) is...
View ArticleOrganic Conducting Film for Pressure Sensing
Nowadays there exist a growing need to produce gas and pressure sensors at low cost and having additional qualities to those offered by materials typically employed such as inorganic semiconductors,...
View ArticleGrowth & Optical Properties of Nanostructures at ICMAB-CSIC
Nowadays, epitaxial-growth techniques such as molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) enable the layer-by-layer fabrication of semiconductor heterostructures with atomic precision . These techniques have made it...
View ArticleHybrid organic/inorganic solar sensor
UV radiation is known to induce irreversible biological effects. It can affect marine and terrestrial life but most dangerous to humans is the prematurely ageing of the skin and the risk of skin...
View ArticleFP7 Project ONE-P
Final meeting of ONE-P (Organic nanomaterials for Electronics and Photonics), a FP7 project with 28 partners and a 26 million € budget
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